Posted by HMK on April 16, 2002, at 10:49:22
I'm currently taking Effexor XR 75 mg, Neurontin 400 mg three times daily, Geodon 60 mg twice a day, and Valium as needed. As I've stated before on these boards, I'm bipolar II and have recently been having trouble with rapid cycling.
I am thinking that Depakote would be a good idea (I've tried it before and gained a ton of weight)but don't want the side effect of weight gain. How low of a dose could be effective without weight gain? Is it even possible to take this stuff without gaining? I'm 100 lbs overweight now and can't afford to gain more- was considering Topamax but I'm studying to take the bar examination so I can't be dealing with brain fogginess. Have already tried Tegretol/Trileptal.
Your imput is sincerely appreciated.
Best wishes,