Posted by colin wallace on March 31, 2002, at 14:38:20
In reply to SAM-e: Where's that old poop thread? Colin, Ron, posted by beardedlady on March 31, 2002, at 14:06:53
Bearded One,
Personally, I take one multivitamin/codliver-oil
supplement, and one B complex vit. capsule daily.
Sublingual (particularly) B-vits offer superior absorption, but as I'm only taking a very small (200mg) dose of Sammy, I feel that the bog-standard B-vit pill form will probably serve its purpose just as well.But then again, I haven't really scoped out the comparative cost of sublinguals- if I find there's really not much in it, then I may buy some of the brand that Ron produces from his fertilizer recycling project...
I, on the other hand,still concentrate my efforts on trying to produce gold from base metal (when I'm not dabbling with the unifying principles of string theory and quantum mechanics).
poster:colin wallace