Posted by BarbaraCat on March 26, 2002, at 15:06:07
In reply to Re: Should I increase my lithium?, posted by Denise528 on March 26, 2002, at 14:02:19
Hi Denise,
I'd trust your instincts on the lithium. You ask what is fibromyalgia? It's very similar to chronic fatigue syndrome and, like chronic fatigue, is a disorder of exclusion, meaning that once every other disorder is checked out (lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis) then your symptoms are labled 'fibromyalgia'. It primarily strikes caucasian women and the symptoms are all very similar: a deep muscle ache and tender points, stiffness especially upon arising (sometimes I have to crawl to the bathroom), insomnia, severe fatigue, cognitive problems, inability to handle stress. Depression and anxiety are very frequent but not always present.
I always have some of these symptoms present, but when I undergo a 'flare' (2-3 times a year each lasting 2-4 weeks) all these symptoms become orders of magnitute worse. I become very debilitated, in bad pain, depleted, sick, feel a cellular toxicity, bedridden, despairing and severely depressed. The depression and despondency of ever having a life are the worst of all of these symptoms. I recently went through one of these flares in December through late Jan and this time it became crystal clear that I was really and truly physically sick and needed more than antidepressants, although I seem to require them. I'm applying for Social Security because I can't work - never know when I'm going to be wiped out. Plus I have BPII, which is a chicken and egg question as to what causes what.
At the present time, there's no cure for it, but it's finally become recognized as a true disorder, most likely metabolic, and alot of research is underway. Some theories strongly suggest that too much Substance P is getting made. This is an enzyme-like substance that aids in transmittal of pain signals to the brain along the spinal column. It's also implicated in depression and there are a few AD drugs in the pipeline that are targeted at inhibiting it.
Glad you're feeling a little better from the Zyprexa. - Barbara
> Hello,
> Thanks for the advice, to answer your question, no I haven't had my blood levels checked but I am currently taking 600mb of Lithium and my gut feeling is (apart from sick) that it is not working so I reckon I will probably stop the lithium. The zyprexa seems to be helping anyway. I have had my thyroid checked out and I am 1.4 which I believe is well within the normal range, I was really disappointed when I found out, I'd give anything for this to be a physical problem (rather than mental). I'm not sure about fibromyalgia. What is that exactly?
> Denise