Posted by SoS on March 5, 2002, at 17:22:11
In reply to Re: JohnX2 » SoS, posted by JohnX2 on March 5, 2002, at 3:50:43
My current medications are wellbutrin, depakote and risperdal, so yes I'm on a mood stablizer. I WAS on paxil, which was helping, but I gained 40 lbs so I tapered off. Before I was diagnosed with BP I had tried paxil alone, prozac, wellbutrin alone, serzone, zoloft...all the ssri's. THEY are what catapulted me into a mixed state. The agoraphobia comes from Panic attacks, Social phobia, and GAD. I've overcome the agoraphobia a few times, but I was on SSRI's so I was acting kind of strange, which added onto my embarassment about being this way, which is the cause of my agoraphobia, if that makes sense. I've also tried seroquel for sleep, but it wasn't my favorite. The only benzo I've tried is tomazepam for sleep. I still wonder if an anxiety medication would be more helpful to me, but I don't think my pdoc will consider it until we've tried every other med. The trauma when I was 6 was a serious fire (I wasn't hurt but our friends across the hall died) and although I feel fine about it now, I displayed classic PTSD symptoms; absolutely not wanting to talk about it was the main one. I think it's possible that the fire pushed my anxiety level to a certain limit and now when I get anxious, it's to a higher degree than it should be, but that's just my theory.
Anyway, the AD that I liked the most (although I didn't really like any of them, and it shot my memory to hell) was serzone if that means anything chemically. I do think the depakote calms me somewhat as well.
Thanks for your input John. I appreciate it.