Posted by MDR on March 5, 2002, at 12:11:38
I was just perscribed Effexor XR for moderate anxiety and thought I'd learn a little more about this stuff from this web site -- which I have really appreciated. I've been reviewing this page for a few days now. One of the things I have noticed is that a lot of people (and I am one of them) read what has been said here and it scares them about taking Effexor. I'm on a fairly low dose (75 mil./day) and have been on it for just a week. I think one thing we have to keep in mind, when we review the experiences of others with this drug, is: 1) we are all different and therefore we will all react differently to the drug, 2) some have been on the drug a lot longer than others, 3) some folks are taking much higher doses of Effexor than others, and 4) some people are taking it for different reasons (side effects of Effexor on depression are different for those taking it for anxiety). These things need to be considered when talking about coming off the drug or discussing various side effects. There is no doubt about it, Effexor is somewhat of a spooky drug and has brought negative effects upon some people. But, it appears, the drug has also done a lot of good for a lot people too. The bottom line is we need to be careful in comparing ourselves to others taking Effexor.