Posted by Alan on February 25, 2002, at 21:48:57
In reply to Re: what meds work best for Anxiety?, posted by BobS. on February 25, 2002, at 19:58:25
Well you do know about the FDA policy that allows drug co's to test new drugs repeatedly and throw out the results that they don't like and only submit the favorable ones to the FDA for approval don't you? That's been in effect for years. It's just being used with sophisticated, lawerly type skills nowadays.
No disrespect to those that find releif with AD's for anxiety disorders (but how do they know it wouldn't be better with BZD's if they had never given them a chance in the first place because of all the ssri hype about the idea that they are "non addicting"???)
If properly diagnosed, which is half the problem in the first place with GP's and internists given specialist's tools such as psychotropics, anxiety disorders have by far the best chance of being put under contol using BZD's with success rates far outweighing any AD in sight which is around 50% tops. The BZD's are in the 80 -90% effecacy rate.
It's such a complicated issue with the stigma of improperly prescribed valium in the late 60's and 70's leading to dependence on drugs that were not meant to combat everyday normal anxiety - with no follow-up by the family doc and so on and so on. Dependence began being viewed as "addiction" and then that loaded word was jumped on by the strident "detox" obsessed anti-benzo lobby - a political group that has influenced policy of NHS in the UK, Australia, and Canada to the point that whole medical systems have temporarily and unjustly taken away the doctor's and patient's choice by spreading exaggerated "risk" of "addiction" scaring the providers and patients in equal portions.
The BZD's will and are coming into their own after these misfortunes and the ssri's are just now rearing their heads as to effecacy (with sexual side effects in the statosphere compared to the initial reports of 10% or so) with GP docs (and pdocs!) that are just towing the company line. I went through 3 of them! Finally i found one that specialised in treating anxiety and knew about the BZD's and the hype around ssri's and the pharm. co's ongoing effort to increase market share by claiming that ssri's have no "withdrawl" - basically a backhanded swipe at the now off-brand BZD's - when now that's pretty much all you read about on this bboard and on other anxiety to withdraw from this ssri or that ssri.
The fact is that ALL drugs need to be tapered slowly - but now the "non habit forming" paxil (classified non-addictive ironically enough) and other ssri's are calling the same phenomenon "poop-out" or withdrawl syndrome" or some other euphemism that amounts to the same likewise problem with the tapering of BZD's - but surprise! - with much more reported frequency than the BZD's. So which med carries the highest risk for the general poulation? Give it another 5 - 10 years and the landscape will change dramatically in the treatment of anxiety disorders when out of the grass roots will be patients and newly informed docs that have started waking up to the fact that they've been trying to fit square pegs in round holes and then blaming the patient if they don't respond. That's not practicing medicine, it's ideological buffoonery.
So it has nothing to do whether a drug like a BZD is "classified" at all - it's just the docs and co's covering their asses in case of the unlikely event that someone abuses the drug (which rarely ever happens since BZD's don't give you a "high" unless you are combining it with alcohol, etc.) As a matter of fact it's used on the streets illicitly TO COME DOWN FROM A HIGH OR TO GET ONE THROUGH BETWEEN HIGHS, not to get "high" initially.
And after that rant, in the words of Dennis Miller,
Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Anyway, it's endless.