Posted by JohnX2 on February 25, 2002, at 0:28:34
In reply to Anxiety or Hypomania?, posted by Ponder on February 24, 2002, at 15:43:31
Sorry to be brief.
I just typed a nice long post and lost it. crap.Anyways, I would try the topamax add on. I added
it to lamictal with no cognitive decline. it has
gaba benzo like effects. I asked others if they
tried this combo, and I am the only one. I think
the lamictal by stabilizing glutamate transmission
removes any stupidity from a lot of medicines.
this has also worked for serzone. I tried it
a while ago pre lamictal and it made me so dizzy
and drowsy that i crashed my car. This time i have
no cognitive decline at all. It seems to make sense
when you consider the fact that lamictal guard
bands glutamate transmission levels, which are
responsible for cognition. I think this helps
to "stabilize" other medicines.Anyways I'm a lamictal 150'er for life too, so
maybe we are connected some how. ;)Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
> This thread has been helpful regarding symptoms of hypomania. I've been bipolar all my adult life, was misdiagnosed with recurrent depression, in part because I did not recognize hypomanic symptoms. I thought all that agitation and "driven-ness" was anxiety, but didn't want to take anything that might make me sleepy because I was always playing catch-up at work for those depressive episodes which involved horrible fatigue and hypersomnia (thus, lack of productivity).
> Anyway, regarding medications... I'm currently on Lamictal 150, Wellbutrin SR 400, Ambien 10 at night, and Ativan as needed. Lamictal has been the only drug to which I have ever responded convincingly. I've been on it for about 6 months. Lately I've been experiencing agitation, especially in response to going to places where there are many people, like the theater where I volunteer to sell tickets. I also experience indecisiveness, a tendency to compulsive behaviors-- like computer games, calculating and recalculating my budget, that sort of thing. I am wondering if Topamax might be a good add-on and have been encouraged by John's comments. Any input? Thanks.
> BTW, I am no longer working. A surprisingly successful career obliterated by AD-induced mixed states that finally crashed into a two-year depression. Lamictal is the first stabilizer I've been on and has been an enormous help at 150 mg/day --less is bad, more is bad, 150 is good.