Posted by Jason911 on February 24, 2002, at 19:21:09
In reply to Dexedrine IMPOTENCE!! Advice??, posted by JonW on February 22, 2002, at 18:48:17
I'd give deprenyl a try. It's a great sexual enhancer! It should get you right back on track. You can try to get your doc to precribe this (called Eldepryl) but he'd probably try to get you on Viagra. Sure, you'll get the erection, but what's sex without the drive and motivation? Deprenyl is the answer. And you can get it without a prescription under the brand name Jumex (selegiline HCL). $47 (including S/H) will get you 3 months worth! It only takes 5mg/day. Plus, it lasts all day and you never have to worry about taking a dose before sex or anything. As long as you're on 5mg/day you will have no sexual problems and have a high sex-drive all day long! Sleep could be a problem is you're on dexedrine as well. Klonopin (2mg or so) per day should work great to ease you out so you can get to sleep. You may not even need the Klonopin though. Just tell your doctor you are having trouble getting to sleep and would like to reduce your anxiety with Klonopin. You can tell him it's from the Dexedrine and don't even have to mention the Jumex. Believe me. You'll be glad you tried deprenyl. Tell me what your thoughts are or any questions you have... God bless -Jason911