Posted by kinetic on February 18, 2002, at 13:34:52
I was on Paxil- i forget the dose for about a year when I was not involved in a relationship. It worked wonders for my depression (I was a waitress at the time and complete strangers were complementing me on my PERSONALITY- which was very reasssuring). But due to the fact that once I became involved in a relationship I could not have an orgasm (i am a female) I went off the drug. My sexual side effects faded almost overnight, but I also became someone who was VERY hard to get along with. Anyhow, about a year later I am now on 75 mg of extended release effexor daily for about a month or so now and have read that these side effects in women (sexual ones) are reportedly only 2%. WELL, I must be in that 2% because, once again I find myself in a new relationship and experiencing the SAME problem. Although it is not as pronounced as with Paxil (with Paxil- orgasm was IMPOSSIBLE and with effexor it just takes a LOT of effort- which isn't really the END of the world, but I LIKED my old easily orgasmic self very much), I definitely notice a big difference. I don't know if this is psycholigical or not but last week, I lost my bag with my effexor in it and didn't take it for like 4 days. After that break I had sex with my boyfriend, and it was much easier for me to climax. I think that this is an important subject to discuss because sexual satisfaction is very important in a relationship, and relationships are very important to people. So I guess I was just wondering what I should do about this. I thought about switching to wellbutrin, but it is not prescribed for general anxiety which I have. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems on effexor, and if they are or have, does it eventually go away? I would LOVE some feedback! Thank you!