Posted by Dave1 on February 4, 2002, at 21:37:23
In reply to This is a crazy idea about ECT..., posted by OldSchool on February 3, 2002, at 21:08:53
I believe ECT would stimulate the muscles into contraction, and thus exercise them. Similiar to the electrical muscle contraction exercise devices
on T.V. adds. Except, that ECT would cause much
greater contractions.
Oldschool,If you do get some treatments, and I hope you do,
here some hints/suggestions that I've learned after doing it several times.1. Use Diprivan as the anesthetic. Brevital and
pentathol are commonly used, but Diprivan causes
much less confusion upon awakening from ECT,
and thus makes the treatment much more tolerable.
The literature in the NIH DATABASE - PUBMED, supports this fact and the fact that using DIPRIVAN does not compromise the effectiveness of the treatments, in case your doctor or anesthesiologist argues.2. When you are done with your initial course
use Pamelar and lithium to prevent relapse. Read the response I just sent to phoenixgirl for more
discussion on these meds. and preventing relapse.Best Wishes,
> As I have treatment resistant depression (severe) and am considering ECT seriously, this has led me to read about it more. I have learned a good deal about ECT and have not even had it...yet. I am also heavily interested in weightlifting, powerlifting and sports conditioning and spend a good deal of time reading about this sort of thing. Im into studying the weightlifting "secrets" of the former Soviet Union. This is a hot topic in powerlifting these days...the Russians. The Russians know how to train and they have good science behind their training.
> Anyway, recently an idea popped into my head. I know this sounds really whacked...maybe insane. But what if modern ECT was used as a sports medicine tool? As an aide to recovery from heavy training? A big area of interest in sports conditioning is the subject of recovery. Most American training science focuses on training, while much of the Soviet training science focused on recovery and restoration. Improve recovery and restoration and you can train harder more frequently.
> So could ECT be used as a recovery tool from heavy training in the sports world? Elite athletes already use high tech ways to recover faster like being placed in a pressure chamber and breathing pure oxygen while under increased atmostpheric pressure. They also take a wide variety of drugs like steroids to aide recovery...and thats illegal. But ECT is actually quite safe compared to steroids.
> I wonder if ECT would increase strength levels and improve recovery from heavy exercise? I was just wondering, because many of these athletes will do ANYTHING to improve their performance, come back from injury faster, etc. And if ECT was used in sports medicine, it would help to overcome the public relations problem ECT has. Like people would see athletes using ECT for aide to recovery and not for mental illness and this would help give ECT a face change.
> Just some wild crazy thoughts...
> Old School