Posted by paxvox on December 14, 2001, at 13:26:41
In reply to haldol and valium, posted by bro on December 13, 2001, at 20:46:34
I'm sure you will get some more "technical" advice later, but I will try to give you some basic data.
As far as Valium, or any benzodiazpeine medicine, one MUST tapper off of it SLOWLY, or their is risk for seizure, and withdrawl symptoms that can SEEM rather nasty. This is done by reducing the amount taken by about one fourth for each week until you are finally taking just "slivers" of the med.
I know nothing about Haldol withdrawl, but can research it for you in the PDR if no one else helps you. However, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, there is no problem to stop taking it. It is a good general rule, however, to try the 1/4 reduction techinique to stop any med you have been taking for a while.PAX