Posted by Elizabeth on December 11, 2001, at 15:02:35
In reply to Social phobia- Prozac, Zoloft or Paxil best?, posted by 3 Beer Effect on December 10, 2001, at 23:05:50
There's no reason to believe that any of the SSRIs is better or worse than the others in general; go with what works best for you. Remember that even if one SSRI doesn't work, a different one might (the reasons for this are unknown, and we can't predict which SSRI will work best for any given person).
Keep in mind the possibility of trying things other than SSRIs, too. Effexor can work, and it may be superior to SSRIs when taken in high doses. Neurontin is one alternative to benzos that pdocs who are benzophobic might be willing to try. Irreversible MAOIs were the first drugs shown to be effective in social phobia and often work when other things have failed. RIMAs are also effective.
I'd be interested in any other meds that people have used successfully to treat social phobia. There don't seem to be a whole lot of choices currently. Opioids help me a lot and I've heard of and read about other people responding to them too, but if you can't even get benzos, I wouldn't count on being able to get a prescription for opioids.