Posted by sgtbob on September 27, 2001, at 5:28:49
I just got back from a sleep consult at the Veterans hospital. Some things struck me as strange but if they can help me great. First, the doctor was telling me that they would need a blood test, but instead of taking a fresh one in the office, the guy accesses the computer and takes the results from one that is 6 months old. Second, he explains that my brain is being deprived of oxygen and they will be able to help me with a mask and such. The funny thing is that this doc was writing on the computer that I have symptoms of narcolepsy, yet he didn't say anything to me about it. I didn't know exactly what narcolepsy was untill looking on the net. Is this strange, or what? I'm cursious as to what is causing me to sleep so much. I so tired, I just want to be able to stay awake. the doc didn't even ask me if I have depression, which I do. When I told him of the depressents I take and the concerta, which I recently tried, don't help he just nodded his head. My pnurse gave me the conerta. I hope this guy isn't playing with me. Any body deal with the VA before and have a doctor like this?