Posted by Chuck on August 21, 2001, at 16:14:13
Welcome to the world of it doesn't get any worse group. I have been off of Effexor for about a year and a half now and I must say this totally sukin fuks. My docotor at the time did not believe me either when I told him of the horrors of this medication - so what did he do when I asked him to get me off of it. Rather than wean me like a good little doctor - he refused to issue another script for it at a lesser dose(I was 1 pill from out at that point). This literally damn near KILLED me. I went through it all, name it and it happened.
!!!!!!!!THIS IS THE BAD NEWS!!!!!!!!
I urge anyone who still has problems with eyesite(the picture on the TV or your monitor jumps and you are the only one to see it), abnormal rythyms(any kind - not present prior to taking this medication), the feeling of electric pulses through your body, etc. Please let me know. I am currently looking into some possible legal recovery for time lost and irreversible damages(without the aid of other medication) to my biosystem. If you have been off of Effexor for even as little as 6 months and are still having "withdrawal symptoms" please hit me with an email. This shit has gotten old and it is time to fight back. All of you seem to have read the info that is only "NOW" so easily found on the net. Did you know that the company responsible for this wonderful piece of shit drug allegedly held back information to get it licensed/approved. Look for yourselves it is not hard to find.Peace and Good luck to all!
This is a copy of what I have posted on other boards concerning Effexor. Letz all keep in mind that the doctors are not gods - they are people just like you and me with a different education and background. If you want all of the truth about Effexor, go to and do a general search for Effexor..... Read all documentation both good and bad and make an educated discission. In the doctors defense they(until recently) have not known ALL of the facts on this drug and in most cases still do not.