Posted by geekUK on August 12, 2001, at 6:24:26
In reply to Re: Depakote questions, posted by Ted on August 11, 2001, at 12:27:06
Why the asprin/salysites thing? Is it something to do with the stomach and the enteric coating??
MC> Hi Collette,
> I have been taking depakote 500mg bid for over two years and I think it works great for me.
> > I just started using Depakote(250mg)
> This is a pretty small dose. Probably won't do a whole lot.
> >Anyway, my question is; is Depakote a medicine that needs to build up in your system(like Prozac did in the beginning)?
> Yes, but it happens rather quickly. I went from 0 to 500 mg BID in less than 1 week and it was working within 1-2 weeks, which is faster than lithium.
> >The only effect that I have noticed so far, is that when I awaken in the middle of the night, I have been able to fall back asleep, so in that way, it seems to be "working". It doens't seem to make me drowsy when I take it right after dinner.
> Well, your dose is small. At my dose, I can fall asleep at any time of the day or night if I want to. In fact, sometimes it is hard for me to stay awake.
> I seem to notice the greatest drowsiness about 2+/- hours after I take it.
> Some things to be careful of: depakote is toxic to your liver and it has *many* drug interactions. Get a blood test done to make sure your liver function is normal (insist on it), and do it again in about 6-8 weeks, then if OK every 3-6 months unless your dose increases (then more frequent). You should not take it with xanax (but at your dose it might not matter), instead switch to lorazepam (ativan). Never take aspirin or other salicylates (e.g., pepto-bismol) with depakote.
> Good luck
> Ted