Posted by AMenz on June 15, 2001, at 23:49:37
In reply to Re: ssris...the tip of the iceburg gilbert, posted by SalArmy4me on June 14, 2001, at 12:19:59
I'll tell you. Lithium, neurontin and topomax (all of which I have been on-I'm still on lithium)
have given me terrible side effects.If you are lucky any or all of these drugs will benefit you and stabilize your mood. However, in my case after 12 years of Lithium (compounded by menopausal estrogen deficiency) I have serious cognitive dulling and am no longer stable. Topomax and neurontin substituted for lithium virtually made me psychotic in reasonable doses. On topomax I was so labile that you said boo to me and I started crying (and I was a practicing lawyer for 17 years. Neurontin had such a devastating paradoxical effect on me I had to close my practice.
So mu thinking is (and it is based only on a hunch and on personal experience) that one should take the least possible medication in order to function and tolerate some symptomatology.
In my daughter's case she is not highly manic. She gets a little activated. I think the SSRI's are doing this. So the remedy for the depression is activating manic symptoms that perhaps at her age would not occur otherwise.
What I'm trying to say in a round about way is that I don't see the point of medicating her for a possible manic episode in five years as the answer for kicking up hypomaniac because of the SSRI's. That's pill-o-matic thinking IMHO.
There I've probably told you more thant you were interested in hearing. But I do appreciate your answering my post.
> What is so bad about a mood-stabilizer? Nothing could be more benign than a little lithium, gabapentin, or topiramate.