Posted by AMenz on June 14, 2001, at 10:12:12
In reply to Re: JUDGE DISMISSES RITALIN LAWSUIT AGAINST NOVARTIS » stjames, posted by kazoo on June 12, 2001, at 18:51:47
I am not surprised. Psychiatrists are virtually immune from lawsuits unless the damages inflicted by the mis-medication turn out to be physical. Eg, suicide, tardive dyskenesia at least in Florida.
You would have to prove that ADD is not a valid diagnostic criteria, or that it is so vague that it is impossible to apply. Since all psychiatric illnesses are defined by symptoms (not by physical tests), how are you going to prove that children with certain symptoms don't have ADD.
Yet I know at the bottom of my gut that children are being prescribed Ritalin to make deviant behavior fit within a classroom setting, and if a parent I would vigorously oppose psychiatric medication for a child whose brain is still forming and where the long term effects of these drugs are unknown.
I remember being hyperactive as a child, but I grew up in an atmosphere where a lot of deviance from the norm was tolerated in terms of activity, talking etc. No one ever labelled me hyperactive and teachers, parents etc were willing to deal with a somewhat hyperactive child. Nor did they penalize me academically for conduct related incidents. I got A's in my academic subjects so long as I passed tests and finals (no demerits for no homework) and D's in my conduct mark.
I saw my child wind up in a severe depression which required immediate intervention over a similar episode in a private school here. Also the grading system which included awarding zero's for behavioral as opposed to academic failings, eg, being late, missing class, not doing homework or not turning it in. This immediately lowers academic performance further deteriorating child's self esteem
> >
> > Novartis AG on Friday said that a district judge in Texas has dismissed claims that the pharmaceuticals company conspired with psychiatrists to overprescribe its anti-hyperactivity drug Ritalin.
> >
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> It might be interesting to look into this judge's stock portfolio.
> (a suspicious) kazoo