Posted by gilbert on May 30, 2001, at 20:21:25
O.K D-day is coming....I have to decide by tommorrow morning which drug to take. I am going to let you guys decide for me because I am so pathetic. My doc wants me on a low dose or prozac, zoloft or luvox because of depression and some mild ocd. I am curently taking xanax for panic and he feels the depression and ocd are comrbid with the panic....Now my wife she is gorgeous and we are in our early 40's. We have enjoyed a wonderfull sex life despite my neurotic tendecies.....Do I choose door number one skip the meds stay on xanax and remain a porn star or do I choose one of the ssri's and hope I can still be her knight in shining I mean armor. I need to know by 10a.m. tommorrow morning. I am leaning toward low dose prozac....I heard about Luvox being less inhibitng orgasm wise but nobody supports that here in the real world. Of course there is also zoloft with its dopamine inhibition could it shoot me into the annals of porno stardom......LOL any input would be nice so I can blame you for making the wrong choice rather than blame myself which I think is a fairly self preserving healthy attitude.
Standing at attention......without bullets