Posted by Mitch on May 23, 2001, at 12:59:37
In reply to ADDERALL AND ZOLOFT TAKEN TOGETHER ANYONE?, posted by Mike Rubinsek on May 23, 2001, at 6:05:41
Hey Mike, Did you have the insomnia BEFORE you started taking the Adderall? For what its worth, I had MUCH WORSE insomnia from SSRI meds-especially Zoloft than from stims. Just an idea-maybe your doc could back off the Zoloft some-if that is what is causing it. You will have to take the Adderall for a week maybe two to see if the insomnia will resolve-that is if THAT is what is causing it. Wow those doses would be *thermonuclear* for me (Adderall or Zoloft)!
Mitch> Has anyone out there ever taken these two together? I'm taking 100mg of Zoloft and 40 mg of Adderall (2x/day). Any unusual side effects? Did they both do their jobs? I ask because I just added the Aderall this morning, and here it is 4:01am and I am not even close to being tired. Is this insomnia temporary?I would appreciate anyone taking the time to share your experiences!