Posted by Daveman on May 7, 2001, at 1:16:55
In reply to Zoloft and Remeron together???, posted by Angelica on May 6, 2001, at 14:23:52
You MUST tell your doctor of the side effects you are experiencing. Unless he/she has accurate information, the doctor cannot prescribe properly. It does sound like you are on a lot of meds for such a young person. But the combo of an SSRI and Remeron is not unusual, I am on 40 mg. Celexa and 15 mg. Remeron. On the other hand I've had none of the side effects you describe.
Again- you must be honest with your doc. If you feel you cannot trust the doc, tell your folks or some adult you trust (perhaps a teacher or counselor). Taking meds that don't work is of no benefit. Good luck and let us know what happens!
> I'm scared.. I'm senior at my high school this year... I want to get off the drugs.. I'm on the ZOloft(150 mg) now since Oct. And, Now, I recently put on Remeron(a week and a day, 30 mg) with Axid(300mg in morning and night)... Now, I feel more depress, confuse, anxious. And, I'm scared to tell my counselors and doctor that the medications is not working but it makes me worse. Plus, it change who I am and the way my behavior is. Plus, I getting lot sick cux of it. I'm soo sleepy and exhaust but couldn't rest. Plus, I can't even focus and is very jumpy in classes. Also, I getting lot of mild electric shock feeling that makes me have headaches, and heart raced. My mind is playing trick on me, like I though i seeing things cuz of the shade t hings, and I heard some noise but it was nothing.. Does anyone have this experiecne? and is it safe to have both drugs together at the same time???