Posted by Sulpicia on May 3, 2001, at 18:33:07
In reply to A significant link between ADD and Social Anxiety?, posted by JohnM on May 3, 2001, at 16:41:43
> Hi--
I have ADD and depression. Didn't know about the ADD until my son was screened for it -- son negative, mom positive,
much to the pdoc's amusement.
Now keeping in mind that I don't know much about social phobia, what you describe about your social interaction
is PRECISELY what happens in ADD. It's like some sort of hallmark symptom that we do not read other people's emotional
and social cues. I never realized that this was an issue for me until my pdoc pointed out that my *extreme* attention to
body language was in fact a compensatory mechanism for a standard ADD trait. I'm impressed that you've analyzed your social
responses so astutely -- it does seem like you are compensating. And let me reassure you: having ADD means being TIRED from
working so damn hard all the time to decode, absorb, or whatever.
ADD and depression go hand-in-hand. I've never met anyone who got relief from pstims alone but that is nothing more than my
experience. I do experience some lessening of ADD symptoms when on AD meds but not enough to function adequately.An excellent pdoc can help you navigate the dx and tx but *do* ask if she/he has experience in ADD in adults B4 you plunk
down any $.