Posted by allisonm on December 13, 2000, at 18:29:37
In reply to GET OFF THE GARBAGE, posted by Logical Mind on December 13, 2000, at 9:19:54
< < Instead of going to that 'doctor' as you do, quit it and begin going to church...
Stop allowing this world to make us one-sex, one-color, one-religion, one-though process... We need diverisity and we need to respect the differences amongst us! > >Would that you would follow your own advice and respect mine.
< < Dont believe the commercials and dont believe the ads.. > >
I don't watch TV. I haven't seen the commercials, or the ads for that matter. However, I do listen to and believe my body, which tells me that where I am now is infinitely better than where I was before, and that if I stayed where I was before for much longer, not only would I not be where I am now, I would not be at all.
< < The best psychologist is the one inside of you. And he doesnt charge an arm and a leg! > >
Excellent point. I have great faith in the psychologist inside of me because she has my best interests at heart. For this reason she has made a referral to my current psychiatrist.