Posted by PhoenixGirl on December 7, 2000, at 13:37:12
Does anyone have thoughts about or experiences like this? I´ve been on some kind of AD since I was 13, and I´m now 22. I still often feel depressed, even with the ADs. Whenever I try to even just reduce antidepressants, I a DEEP depression begins within 2 days. I thought that maybe my brain was "addicted" to ADs, and not producing the good mood chemicals because my ADs were doing it. So not long ago I decided to slowly taper off my AD, and tough it out until the "withdrawl" period was over. I was off the AD for about 2 weeks, and the severe depression did not relent at all. I then went back on the AD.
Has this happened to anyone else, and/or does anyone have thoughts on why immediate relapses occur for me? I feel that I´m held captive, and can never be without the drugs.
By the way, there is a lot of mental illness in my family, even extended family that I never met.