Posted by FredPotter on August 6, 2000, at 19:59:37
It seems to be part of the accepted specialist wisdom here in NZ that long-term benzodiazepine use leads to tolerance. I have taken Xanax for years and other benzos for decades. My dosage of Xanax has not increased, despite my being told that it must have done. I also still feel it to be effective.
If anyone knows of proper studies reporting on tolerance or lack of it, I would be very interested. I think this needs sorting out so people who benefit from benzos can be treated appropriately. I read that Xanax was never intended to be taken long-term, some people interpreting this as more than 6 weeks. If you have to wait 6 months to see a CBT therapist, what is one supposed to do? The situation is made worse by benzophobe doctors who can be seen at the drop of a hat.
Anyway I must keep an open mind