Posted by S.D. on July 22, 2000, at 20:43:08
Is there a non-Rx substance similar to Adderall or Dexedrine, or that would predict efficacy of these? Is ephedrine or ma huang safe or effective to use chronically as a stimulant? Especially to get my @ss out of bed initially. It has a short dosing schedule so I think it makes me crash like Ritalin a bit if I don't keep taking some during the day (or, eventually, even if I do). Basically I've got what KarenB has described when it comes to fatigue and anergia (low energy). I should have stuck it out with my ADD doc back in '97, but I quit. Current doc isn't keen on stims.
I guess Adderall are amphetamine salts and dexedrine is dextroamphetimine - is this same/similar to "speed", methamphetamine or "chrystal meth" street drugs? If these are the "Non-Rx" alternatives, I'll have to take a pass ;-). (But I could probably get them pretty easily in my general area I'm sorry to say).
peace and health,