Posted by AndrewB on July 8, 2000, at 13:12:48
In reply to Re: And how was the lamictal alone scott » Wallabee, posted by SLS on July 8, 2000, at 10:24:00
Dr. Ivan Goldberg says that lamotrigine does cause mania or anxiety in a small number of people.
Have you received any mood improvement from lamotigine?
So the sulpiride is just making you sleepy. If it doesn't work, whats next? Mirapex?
Lamotrigine inhibits glutamate release. Glutamate and NMDA receptors (which respond to glutamate) have been implicated in depression. Some drugs that I have been gathering info. on lately are memantine, nimodipine and ketamine (low dose nasal spray or eye drops). These are either direct or indirect NMDA receptor antagonists. Recent studies have shown antidepressant efficacy for ketamine and nimodipine. It is reported that memantine and nimodipine work synergistically together. Ketamine's AD effect is increased when combined with lamotrigine. Just something for you to look into. I know you have been looking farther afield for treatment options lately.