Posted by NikkiT on June 25, 2000, at 15:43:13
hey guys!!
Just checking in.. had a pretty shitty weekend... went home to mum ansd family for the weekend, and has decided now was the time to open up and tell them all the problems I'm having. Was gonna start with my brothers at a barbeque we were having. Anyway, one brother ends yup haviung a huge row with his wife... slapped her (something he detests and has never done before), getting pretty hysterical, wlaking out, and threatening all kinds of things.
Guess who was left to pick up th epeices, and look after a near hysterical 12 year old (brothers daughter) who desperastely wanted to get out of the house (she is hius child fromprevious marriage and lives with brother at weekends). He came home about midnight and me and husband left straight away.
But now brother isn't talking to me, cos I told my neice that she could call me anytime if she needed anything, wanted to talk, was scared etc! What else could I do.. I had rto calm her down, and I also believe I was doing the right thing, and helped calm her down alot.
Well, as a result, I've had a crappy day today, been horrible to everyone, and feel like a huge black cloud.
Well, I've wibbled and got it off my chest... thanks guys. I'df promied I wasn't gonna use this as a sound off board any more... broken that promise already eh??
Oh, and a quick though - Is there something that would be the opposite to Anorexia.. You know, Anorexics look in mirror seefat person... But I look in the mirror and see solmeone slimmer than me!!! It always shocks me when I realise how fat I am..
Cheers people
Nikki x