Posted by Kath on June 14, 2000, at 15:16:33
Hi all - Just wanted to say bye for a bit. I leave tomorrow (Thur) to go camping by myself at Kilbear Provincial Park, near Parry Sound, Ontario (about 4 hours or so North of Toronto - on Georgian Bay). I went last year for a week & LOVED it, so this year I'm going for 10 days!! My husband is going to "hold the fort". He feels fine about this (I wonder about his sanity - just kidding!). He is way more mellow about stuff than I am. It helps that my son (16) hasn't abused any substances for 9 days!! (He's been very sick with severe tonsillitis & got secondary inflammation throughout his whole body). Anyway, whatever the reason, I'm glad he's been drug-free for that long (except antibiotics & anti-inflammatory).
I have a lovely huge campsite with lots of privacy & it backs onto large flat rocks & big pine trees that eventually go down to the crystal-clear waters of Georgian Bay. I am totally excited about this. I am pretty stressed tho' because I have alot of things to finish up before going. And today I noticed a big nail sticking through the back tire of my car, so took it in to the garage. While they were checking it, they found that the brake pads are almost hitting metal, so that has to be fixed as well. Not quite what I scheduled for today, but I'm feeling sort of okay about all the stuff I have to do.
I will be taking lots of books & will be keeping a descriptive journal of my holiday, to be able to enjoy it whenever I read it.
I'll miss you all - especially the few people who I post notes to on a more frequent basis. Please take care of yourselves. Look forward to being in touch when I return.
Warm thoughts, Kath