Posted by Steph on June 11, 2000, at 9:04:48
Yesterday was a pretty hot day. I had read in the papers that there was a great need for blood so I moseied down to the blood bank---something I have done every eight weeks or so for the past five years. Never had a problem until Yesterday---I ran some errands after donating--felt great. I was waiting with my elderly uncle for the barber to cut his hair when I got so dizzy and faint. I just laid down on the floor with my feet propped up. THen when it didn't pass I decided to try and leave and threw up my very light lunch. My husband had to come and get us. It scared my uncle. SO I drank lots of water and rested quietly all day. At night I was plagued with stomach cramps. I was wondering if any of you had experienced sommething similar while on ADs? Could this just be dehydration and heat? Today I feel like I went through a bad time. HAs me thinking I should give up giving blood. Tha t woulf be a shame. I also recently signed up to be a bone marrow donor. It is something I feel strongly about and would be very sad to not be able to follow through.
20mg celexa now since MAy 15th 2000
Feeling great and losing weight