Posted by jbird on May 9, 2000, at 17:55:21
I just found this web site a few days ago and find it very interesting and informative. I'm hoping for some feedback on my situation. My doctor just prescribed for me Celexa and Neurontin and I'm a little nervous about taking them because of side effects, etc. I've started taking the Celexa (2 days so far)- 10 mg per day for a week then 20mg daily. I haven't started taking the Neurontin yet (100mg at bedtime). I've been on Prozac for several years with no real problems. Originally 10mg per day, then 10mg every 2 out 3 days, then every other day for the last few years. That seemed to be keeping me functioning until just recently. I have tried higher doses of prozac in the past but it makes me agitated, I don't sleep well, and sex isn't as much fun. My doctor thought the Celexa would work better. I have also tried Zoloft in the past, but it makes me too sleepy. I'm very sensitive to medication. I'm not really sure why she prescribed the Neurontin. I have been having pain from a lot of dental work lately and don't sleep well because of it. Advil and vicodin work for the pain but wear off about 3 in the morning. The Neurontin seems to be a bit more than neccessary for this though. Or would this help with my general depression as well? What do you guys think?