Posted by DC on April 29, 2000, at 21:13:14
In reply to Effexor XR Social Anxiety, posted by Annie on April 29, 2000, at 10:59:41
I'll be interested to hear how effexor works for you since social anxiety is my main problem as well. Currently I take a combo of adderal, neurontin, and klonipan. You might ask about the neurontin--that one seemed to make a big difference right away. The main drug for social phobia is Nardil--I took it off an on for three years. But it caused horrible insomnia--corrected by high dose trazodone--and weight gain (30lbs). On my current combo I am getting similar results in terms of social confidence, have lost 25 lbs, and have more energy and mental quickness. Downside is that I have sometimes have a nagging feeling of urgency and don't feel "happy." None of ssri's helped me very much. Try the neurontin.
> I've been reading through all the notes on this site, thanks for all the insight into Effexor XR etc. I just started taking Effexor XR for Social Anxiety, and wondered if anyone else has had this prescribed for this or only for depression? I was taking Buspar for 6 weeks, up to 40 mg/day and felt awfully sick, with little reduction in anxiety.