Posted by bob on April 8, 2000, at 23:43:19
In reply to to CarolAnn, posted by Cam W. on April 8, 2000, at 21:29:37
Hmmm ... hallucinations as a side effect? Cam, that can be beneficial for some people's sex lives (not that I'm pointing any fingers or fessing up to anything...).
Rather than looking for beef, how about some meat substitutes?
Isn't ginko biloba one of the "natural" products recommended as one means of addressing this issue other than Viagra? What else in the local health food store or vitamin shop(pe) that might help?
An aside to the issue of not enough research being done on women...and this ain't going to be a popular one at that. Another reason that women get excluded from studies is to remove one possible alternative explanation from a study--if the study is done on men only, any differences found cannot be attributable to the gender of the participant.
[I know ... some of you are thinking "Sure it can!" because such studies only have men in the first place. That there is no data on women for a particular study, or no variability in terms of gender, means no conclusions can even be considered with respect to that construct.]
yet another male research scientist of western european descent,