Posted by kazoo on March 29, 2000, at 16:42:24
In reply to Should I get mad at this doctor?, posted by randy on March 29, 2000, at 13:04:33
> I saw an physicians assistant.
First mistake!
I don't know what's happening with medicine these days, but it seems to me that Clinics and Hospitals, in an effort to save money,
pound off their patients to these SO-CALLED PAs (or APRNs: Assistant Physician Registered Nurse).
After nearly a 16 year stint at the Charlotte-Hungerford Hospital (Torrington, CT 06790 (860)496-6350), seeing a pdoc, I suddenly
found myself face-to-face with a PA (or APRN) who didn't know shit-from-shinolla about me, or the medicine that I was taking and needed.
This was because CHH was too CHEAP to hire a new pdoc, so they got this inexperienced LACKEY, who used to be a simple talk-therapist,
to now take the place of the doctor. She's hardly a doctor! Does anyone know what it's like to suddenly find yourself with no one to turn to for help, not
to mention no medication?
I was forced into the position of finding a new place to go to (UCONN Psychiatry), which is a quantum leap over that "other" place,
that dungeon of stupidity.As far as your financial concerns go, you shouldn't have pay for a doctor's visit if you DON'T see a real doctor.
APs are NOT doctors. They're just fancy pill-pushers.Tell them to go piss up a rope!
Greetings to Randy.