Posted by karen on March 13, 2000, at 15:11:41
4 years ago, i was diagnosed as "depressed" by a doctor at a mental health center at my college and put on zoloft(which did not agree with my stomach) and then switched to paxil which later was augmented by buspar. i've been on a pretty high dosage since then but never built a relationship with a therapist. in the last four years, i've gone to 5 or 6 doctors to get medication but never got weekly therapy for longer than a few weeks. i've taken myself off meds a number of times, each time realizing it was a bad idea and starting over. i made the same stupid move again in september of 1999. things were ok for about a month and then headed straight downn hill. i realize that i need meds and most likely weekly counseling and meds monitoring. things have gotten REALLY bad. i just changed to HIP health plan and need a good doctor in new york and some info on medication. i tried going thorough the directory and ramdomly picking names but no docs seem to work. i really don't know where to begin to get help. if anyone knows of any good doctors int he new york area, please let me know.