Posted by Mark H. on March 10, 2000, at 20:21:34
Traditionally, the lower classes self-medicate with alcohol and illicit street drugs, while the upper classes (the rich) have turned to their physicians with the reasonable expectation that they will help them feel better, regardless of the cause of their suffering. For a long time, this left the vast middle class suffering without medication or support. This is finally changing.
The "war on drugs" has become a growth industry in this country, and physicians feel the pressure to be as conservative as possible in prescribing medications, especially controlled substances. The uninformed consumer winds up being the victim, with his or her pain and suffering undertreated and generally discounted as "psychological," as though that made it less debilitating or valid than say a broken leg.
In my opinion, those of us with mental illness and legal/technical competence have a responsibilty to fight for proper care for ourselves and all other individuals who suffer from these diseases. It starts by not putting up with patronizing, discounting bullshit from our own doctors. It means documenting injustices and irresponsible care and speaking up against prejudice and dismissal. It also means not burning those doctors with the integrity to support us in experimenting with medications that might help us to be more functional and productive.
There is so much brain-power and energy on this list, yet I am repeatedly astounded at the poor care and lack of concern from doctors that so many posters seem to think is normal and therefore acceptable. There are people on medication for WEEKS who are getting worse rather than better, accepting the myth that the drug is moving towards being "stabilized" in their systems, as though a bad match is suddenly going to turn around on its own. Most depression, for instance, will change course in four to six weeks WITHOUT medication, so why put up with ANYTHING that makes you feel worse??
We need a change in attitude. We're consumers, not victims, and it's a buyer's market. Support those good physicians who care and who help -- burn down the rest by networking, by getting the word out, by joining advocacy groups, by documenting harmful practices, and by knowing the law and your rights as a consumer.
Take charge of your wellness!
poster:Mark H.