Posted by Jared on February 17, 2000, at 13:56:41
In reply to Re: marihuana and antidepressant, posted by putih on February 11, 2000, at 5:26:50
Its important to keep in mind that our brains neurotransmitters are all interconnected. And everyone's particular brain is different and will have different reactions to psychoactive drugs, of which marijuana and effexor are both. Neurotransmitters are how are brain processes information. Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Seratonin, are all very important in our mental health. Marijuana affects dopamine- which is realated to psychosis if there is an overproduction. Effexor increases the amount of Seratonin and Norepinephrine, which are related to mood. Thus depressed people, may have insufficient levels. When you start to mix different psychoactive drugs, without the supervision of a psychiatrist or doctor, you are playing with fire. I would advise your friend not to smoke marijuana while taking this medication. In fact, because he has some mental health problems, I would'nt be smoking it at all as it is dangerous in my opinion. I have smoked my share of weed. At first it was very enjoyable. But I definitely think it has contributed to my mental health problems. Like anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. Some people think it is relatively harmless,but I simply don't buy that. People who want it legalized will probably smirk at these remarks and say I'm full of it. But, I think if it causes problems, then you shouldn't do it. I am not a doctor so don't take anything I say as scientific fact, but I just know from my own expriences. Hope everything goes ok.