Posted by Karen Cooper on January 21, 2000, at 15:36:29
I am a 55 year old female suffereing from Tardivve Akethesia and Dystonia. I have a continual inner restlessness and constant outward body movement.
the movement includes my jaw, neck, arms and legs.
Due to the movement I have devoped an erotic sleep pattern. I have been informed by the leading clinics that the illness was caused by a mismamangement of medication while I was being treated for symptons of supposed Tourettes Syndrom. I am presently taking a new drug called Tetrobenizene which is only available out of Canada and that has helped somewhat. I also take an anti depressant sot hat I can function on a daily basis. I have recently been researching the use of deep brain stimulation surgery that is presently being used for Parkinsons patients with excellent results. While this has not been used for Tardive Akethesia or Dystonia they beleive that it may help. I am looking for people out there with similar cases. Please respond via this thread or E-mail
poster:Karen Cooper