Posted by Racer on September 2, 2005, at 21:06:29
Today was my meeting with the county Department of Mental Health. I dressed up -- and didn't melt in the heat -- and wore makeup, and took along pictures showing me about ten pounds over my lowest weight. I showed them the pictures, so that they could get an idea of what the doctor was continuing to describe as "well nourished" and I pointed out that my life was in danger by the time those photographs were taken, let alone when I lost the additional weight. I told the stories about being told to lower my expectations of myself, to go on SSI since I'd never be able to work again, etc. I told them about my husband calling and talking to "Dr" I'mHereToHelp -- which is when my suspicions were confirmed: the guy who told my husband that they'd provide "enough Xanax to keep her sedated until we're willing to see her in six weeks" was not any kind of a doctor -- no MD, no PhD, nuttin'. Just a pencil pusher. (You can't know how happy that made me, by the way, especially since you didn't see the look on the manager's face when he told me that this guy wasn't a doctor...)
Over all, it was good. They are going to take this information -- and the memory of what I looked like when the Agency From A Very Warm Place said that I was just fine but way too disturbed to be helped -- to the senior management for the county. They'll keep me informed as much as they can, but at this point it's an internal investigation into whether this agency is working or not.
I'm glad that part's over, let me tell you, and I am very pleased with the outcome so far.
I feel a bit taller this afternoon, too.