Posted by Adam on December 10, 1999, at 18:20:43
In reply to 20 questions for Fred, Adam, Erin, Noa, Tom, Siri, posted by Morose on December 10, 1999, at 16:52:55
> 1. How do you know you have an unconscious mind? Are you conscious of it?I don't know. I have had deep emotional reactions to certain events that make me
wonder about a subconscious, though. This has lead to my interest in schema theory.> 2. Did your shrink tell you have an unconscious mind?
Two of them did.
> 3. Did you read it in a book?
> 4. How is talking to your shrink different from talking to a friend? Do you have any friends? Is your shrink your friend?Yes. I can discuss things with a therapist that would be too embarassing or disturbing to discuss on a regular basis with
friends. Besides, I don't want to burden them with it.> 5. How is talking to your shrink different from talking to your internist?
My internist would refer me to a shrink.> 6. How is talking to your shrink different from reading books?
Books aren't very interactive. It's difficult to get answers to specific questions or suggestions to deal with specific
problems from a book. I do find some books very valuable, though.> 7. Are you smarter than your shrink?
Maybe, maybe not. Probably not. That doesn't matter to me, so long as they are very knowledgeable and creative.> 8. Are you smarter than your unconscious? Is your unconscious smarter than you?
Why do you separate "you" and "your subconscious"? It's like asking if I'm faster than my legs.> 9. What book are you reading this week?
Eugene Onegin, by Aleksandr Pushkin; Morgoth's Ring by JRR Tolkien; Mind Over Mood, Greenberger and Padesky, PhDs.
> 10. What book is your shrink reading this week?
That might be an interesting question to ask a therapist, actually. But can you really judge someone's worth
based only on what they read?> 11. If you don’t know what book your shrink is reading this week, why don’t you know? Did you ask? Did your shrink refuse to answer?
> 12. Which evolved first, the conscious mind or the unconscious mind?I don't know. It seems somewhat illogical to ask about a subconscious before there is a conscious mind to be subject to.
> 13. Does your shrink prescribe drugs to you?
My _psychotherapist_ does not, if that's what you mean. My psychiatrist does.> 14. Has your shrink ever taken the drugs he or she prescribes?
Would it matter? Responses to drugs can be so different, the best he could do is check the literature if my
reaction seemed unusual, etc. That's what someone who wasn't taking an antidepressant would do too.
> 15. Let’s assume your shrink knows everything about your finances, your career aspirations, your sex life, your upbringing, everything. What do you know about your shrink?That he's a very smart and caring person.
> 16. Would you like to go out for a beer with your shrink?
I wish I were on friendlier terms with my psychiatrist, because I have so many questions I would like to
ask him. I think having a more professional relationship with my psychologist is more condusive to
the openness I need in therapy.
> 17. If you were out and about with a friend, and you ran into your shrink, would you say hello? Would you introduce your friend?Yes, I would.
> 18. How would your answer to 17 differ if you were with your spouse? One of your kids?Don't have them. Hypotehtically, spouse, same. Kids, depends on age an maturity.
> 19. Do you think your shrink is afraid to grow old and die?Probably no more than I am.
> 20. Are you afraid to grow old and die? If so, is that fear conscious, unconscious, or both?Yes, I am. I am learning to accept age, though I mourn much of what I lost in my youth to deprssion and OCD.
I don't want to die before I'm ready to. I think I will know when I am, and then I will not be afraid.
For the record, I think the article you posted was very interesting, and I think the author has some cogent points.
I just feel it's too difficult to dismiss psychoanalysis completely. I'm guessing what you wanted is to hear the
thoughts and ideas of others, perhaps because of experiences you have had with therapy. In my own experience, I have
found it hard to let go of my feelings of dissilusionment with psychoanalytical therapy and acknowledge its value.
Discussion here has helped change my mind about that a bit, and I'm inclined to acknowledge its benefit to others,
and thus its value.