Posted by Adam on December 1, 1999, at 15:05:23
In reply to A few worthwhile links for your research, etc., posted by JohnB on December 1, 1999, at 0:16:50
Thank you very much, JohnB. I found the NYU link to be a very nice summary.
> Here are a few worthwhile links for gathering information, doing research, etc.:
> - this is the address for a PubMed search. it's free and there's no password needed. if you want to do a boolean search (that is, with "and" or "or"), just type in caps the AND or OR. for instance, to search on social phobia and serzone, just type in
> "social phobia" AND serzone
> a few hints - put in quotes phrases you want to search for, and use the generic name, such as nefalzadone (serzone) or phenelzine (nardil) or tranylcypromine (parnate), as these are the words most researchers, psychdocs, psychopharmacologists use in their writings. Also, you will likely want to read only those articles which say "abstract," as the others will just be blank. Further, if you want to read the entire text of an article, you must have it downloaded at selected libraries. I understand the cost for this is fairly high. Have never tried it, though.
> this is Dr. Ivan's Depression Central. there's some particularly good info on meds in the "drugs for mood disorders" section. much of the drug info will apply to those with anxiety disorder as well as depression. there's also a nice section about how to find a good psychopharmacologist, including screening a good one from a regular psychdoc.
> this covers augmentation strategies for SSRI's, SNARI's, MAOI's, and others. nice review of buspar and pindolol and, in particular, pindolol augmentation/potentiation of SSRI's, SNARI's, and MAOI's
> this is otherwise known as TAPIR (the anxiety and panic internet resource). it does require you to register, but doesn't ask anything personal, other than your e-mail address. as with psycho-babble, you can use your real name or a fictitious name, include your real e-mail address, or leave it blank. there's a nice babble section, including a separate section or social phobia. also, there is an alternative meds section, for info on st. john's wort, kava, valerian, etc, as well as other sections of interest.
> you have to register for this site (no big deal), and choose and id and password. i'd suggest you select the option to save this for automotic log-on. there's an o.k. search engine for doing searches within it's database.
> there are a number of other good links out there, but these are some of the key ones which i use. also, if you ever do a general search on the internet, you may want to use the google search engine. the address is
> it's a new, free search engine which operates quite unlike most others. it doesn't which addresses most frequently mention the words you use (this game can be played by repeating words a zillion times in a separate section of a web address). i think there's a section on the site which explains the search algorithm. I also heavily use the altavista search engine, which is located at
> this is another good one, and it allows you to use the boolean operator AND. a hint - put your search terms in quotes when certain words must be together, such as "social phobia." also, use generic drug names whenever you can, as you'll find more sites that way. lastly, bookmark or assign as an AOL 'favorite place' those sites you enjoy the most.
> hope these help. hopefully you'll post other sites which you've found helpful, as well.
> your friend,
> JohnB