Posted by Bob on November 16, 1999, at 23:42:38
In reply to Re: A follow-up on my meds for those interested..., posted by AA on November 16, 1999, at 22:18:12
Man, Phil, don't say that word! All apologies to any rap fans out there, but among my friends here we have a new way to describe something nastier than nasty -- "That is so dre!" (Yes, prounced "dray" and if you can't figure that TLA -- DRE -- out, just think of the exam a proctologist (ooh! Now I've sait it!) does with his finger...).
As for the TCAs seeming to be forgotten -- it seems like there's such a rush to SSRIs as the first line fo treatment because they're supposed to be so clean and gentle, I guess ... sure as heck not for me.
...although I *do* remember the very first day I took my very first pill -- 50mg of Zoloft...I dunno, maybe I told this story before, but its too funny. An hour later, I was off doing some consulting in the elementary school in Yonkers, NY ... I knew something was up because I was just so giddy on the train up ... walked into the science center where the two specialists (with whom I worked), five or so teachers, and NO KIDS (thank God!) were sitting, having a meeting, and I just burst out with "Guess who I took a shower with this morning?!" Not a single smidgen of social inhibition in this boy! Well, anyway, it was my 6 month old German Shepard pup....
>Whats the Klonopin for, anxiety? I tried it once and thought it was too powerful, I was zonked out for a couple days.
AA--yes, the K's for anxiety. Just i mg/day for me.
>What does NADH refer to?
You may want to check out Lots of info, if you can manage the hideous site navigation. Too Much Info, not enough site management. They have some interesting "guided tours" to explain what it does. Here's a quote:
"NADH or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a natural coenzyme with the ‘H’ standing for hydrogen."
As a coenzyme, its the trigger that causes ATP to shed one of those P's in cellular respiration, releasing energy as a result. It's another one of those "antioxidant" "enzymes" that we seem to have in abundance when we're young but produce less and less of as we get older, like SOD (super oxide dismutase).
And as CC would have me say, while I may not have any sound scientific evidence of my own (since I tainted the experiment with too many variables) to go on, I do have some faith (there's that F word again!) that it is having some effect. We'll see in a month.