Posted by Racer on November 11, 1999, at 18:39:48
In reply to Re: Depressed, posted by Noa on November 11, 1999, at 12:46:36
Here's a cheer that you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! And, catch! Here's a little flashlight to help, too.
Could be that the drugs are working, but what lead to you recent bad times had less to do with depression in the biochemical sense, and more to do with the habits you've learned over the years that led to your depression in the first place.
And in the 'Everyone's Different' department, here's an example of what I mean:
My depression has led me into a pattern of taking on too much without saying anything to anyone as it starts to reach critical mass. Then, when I'm overwhelmed, I withdraw completely, rather than taking care of anything at all. This is the pattern, and it goes along with major depression of a biochemical sort. The two things are linked, but they are not the same. They may be cause and effect, but they are not one and the same. The depression may be triggered by feeling overwhelmed, or the feeling of being overwhelmed may come from the depression, but they are not the same. Does that make sense? So, I recently experienced a period of major stress. My reaction? You got it, I felt overwhelmed and I withdrew. I felt bad, all the way around, and like a loser and a f**k up, but I was not depressed in the sense of a recurrance of all my usual symptoms. Just feeling really bad.
Recognising the difference has helped me, and today I realized how far I've come: I had a quarrel with the person who was causing most of my stress, and I didn't back down, and I didn't fold up with guilt over what he was saying, I stuck to my points, and didn't let him take me off onto tangents. I'm still furious, but I also have that good feeling that comes from knowing that I didn't escalate this, I didn't back down inappropriately, and I didn't say anything I didn't mean.
So, maybe some of that is what's happening to you? You certainly did a lot of things that have helped you recover your equalibrium, which is a very good sign, and maybe you're feeling better because you associate the stress with depression? Now that you've dealt with the stress, you realize that the depression isn't there?
Whatever it is, I hope you continue to fee lbetter!