Posted by Sean on November 1, 1999, at 15:47:16
In reply to Astrology and Psychiatry. Theoretical Discussion., posted by JohnL on October 31, 1999, at 3:23:13
> I don't think I believe in astrology. Not sure. But sometimes I think there might be something to it. That's because my father, a retired surgeon, used to tell me emergency rooms were the most hectic on full-moon nights. And that a reliable jump in psychiatric admissions happened on or near a full-moon.
> As the moon's gravity moves entire oceans in the form of tides, I wonder if it has biological implications on the body as well.
> Anyone with astrology theory to comment?
> Also - just for grins - it might be interesting to see a random sample of what astrology sign we all belong to. I would suspect there is no trend, that mental illness falls randomly in all the astrological signs. But I guess there is the remote possibility of some relation. Just curious. Me, I'm a Libra. How bout you?Sean (an Aries) here.
Well, Astrology is not to be taken seriously in my
opinion. The time of year may very well have an
inpact on personality and affective disorder
rates, but my bet would be with hormonal cycles
in the mother which are mediated by sunlight,
diet, temperature, etc... which vary in annual
cycles.To me Astrology is the ultimate in Anthrocentric
thinking. Like pre-Copernican thought, which
showed the *earth* as the center of the universe,
astrology has the gall to put the *individual* at
the center of the universe. One of the major
themes over the last 1000 years of human thought
and culture has been in precisely the opposite
direction however. As in, we are not only not
the center of the universe, but a fairly common
type of system in a non-descript galaxy among
billions of galaxies...I don't mean to offend anybody, but if I believe
in astrology, what next? Satanic possession?
Crystal power? I mean, by what process could I
bifurcate wheat from chaff in the infinite sea
of subjective belief systems. I can't.And what happens to astrology a million years from
now when all the stars have shifted position due
to the fact that everything is in motion. The
anthropormorphic shapes we see in the sky now will
not be there in the future. What if an enormous
asteroid takes knocks one of the planets out of
stable orbit?Also, unlike most people who believe in astrology,
I actually know the constellations and can point
them out on a clear night. Once you look at these
objects with a telescope and become intimate with
the night sky, you feel very moved by the beauty
of the moons of Jupiter, rings of Saturn, the
Swan Nebulae, M31, etc... and these objects become
part of the real world and not the object of a
wishful projection.No, I can't back Astrology kids. Sorry.
But that's very Aries of me isn't it. Ha ha ha !!!