Posted by asil on October 12, 1999, at 21:47:59
I've sent this before but it didn't show up on the site, that I could see. are there some topics that are too "off" for this board?
Maybe it just got lost in cyberspace?
My question is this...I ahve begun having "psychotic breaks" where the
devil talks to me. Hold on....I KNOW that the devil isn't really talking to me,
that it is an auditory hallucination, but the thing that really bugs me,
is that I can't quite make out the words! Should I listen harder, or what?
Maybe my subconcious is trying to tell me something important? It seems that if I could just concentrate a little harder, I could figure out what is being said.
My Pdoc tells me that when I become "aware" that these voices are just an hallucination, that they will likely stop.
So, I'm aware. When do they stop? I'm taking 80mg Prozac and 25mcg cytomel for
depression. He gave me an "anti-psychotic" but I can't remember the name right now.
I can look it up if anyone's interested.
This is too weird. Not only do I have to continually look over my shoulder wondering if "today's the day" that
my depression knocks me on my I have to put up with myself/the devil mumbling in my ear!
Does this go away? Now that i've begun to have these "breaks"
will I get them more often? Should I listen and try to make it out? Maybe then it will go away.
No answers here....Asil