Posted by Sherry on April 30, 1999, at 17:00:42
Hi everyone,
I have taken just about every antidepressant you can think of. I have tried lithium and cytomel in combination with the a/d's. The cytomel works by itself but cause so much anxiety that I can't take it. It also seems that everything I have taken makes the fog in my head much worse. I thought at first this was due to the depression, but as all a/d's make it worse, I'm worried that it may not be related to the depression. I am at my wits end. I mean there's no doubt in mind that i am depressed, but why would the a/d's make my thinking so much worse. Everytime I start a new a/d I always get my hopes up only to be let down. By the way, they have also done all the medical testing, and there's no problem there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.