Posted by Erik on December 9, 1998, at 19:35:36
Are there endocrinologists who specialize in endocrinology disorders that present as psychiatric disorders? I know that endocrinology disorders can present as anything from depression to anxiety to psychosis. And, I'm having all sorts of trouble (with mood swings, depression, and severe, long lasting anxiety). Over time I've discovered that my mood seems directly related to what I just ate, how much I ate, how much sugar it had in it, how long ago I ate it, and what time of the day it is. I've found an endocrinologist and am going through the whole thing. But, it's so slow! And, before even running the tests he ascribed most of my symptoms to psychiatry. I find this odd since endocrinological disorders can present psychiatrically, and I find my current list of diagnoses extremely unlikely, taken as a whole. This is miserable! Whatever I have, has features of every mental illness ever thought of! I've been diagnosed with everything you can think of: Anxiety disorder, major depression, bipolar, personality disorder, and all NOS. I'm beginning to understand scrooge when he presumed that the first ghost who visited him might in fact be a bit of undigested gravy. Any endocrinologist that someone knows about who lives in the Phoenix, Arizona area, and who knows a lot about psychiatric problems, related or not to endocrinology, would probably be a lifesaver to me. I need a "no kidding" hi credentials doctor who is willing to do a very thoural analysis. It occurs to me that this is the only way I'm am going to recover, and find out if I have underlying psychiatric problems independant of my endocrine system, or not. Since I react so badly to every psychiatric drug I've tried, this seems like my last hope! Anyone have any ideas?