Posted by mark anthony foott on February 5, 2006, at 9:03:42
In reply to stuff about marijiuana as medecine., posted by James K on February 5, 2006, at 1:16:09
Hello to you all again, and greetings.
I had the thought to write out to you a letter that i wrote yesterday, but I've now decided against that, and instead i'll just wing it.
The comments<good and bad>from you all have been very interesting indeed.The negative words that some people have used, have been simply that, Negative!! But the positiveness of some of you has been a breath of fresh air.
I'm sorry that Fenex haas been blocked for a week, but hey, that's the way the cookie has to crumble! I hope fenex comes back on next week, and I'd like whoever Fenex is, to know that I forgive Him/Her/or indeed, It, for the words that were supposed to get under my skin, and ruffle my feathers.
Linkage, thank you for your wise words, the debate for m.j legalisation would gain some much needed momentum with a feww more like you on the case.
Hands up anyone here who thinks that pot may have been given to us from a "Higher Power? such as Aliens maybe? Wow that's surprising, I'd have thought that there were a lot more sceptics than that?
I don't just simply "believe" in life from another planet, I have seen the ship, or at least one of the ships that they dwell in. I saw this brilliant sight in daytime hours in England, and then witnessed a sighting in Seattle, so I have no doubt whatsoever in their existence.
I am a truly gifted person? I am gifted with the fact that I have an immunity to almost all the drugs of this world. I have tried heroin on the foil a few times, and i have tried it in a needle once. A friend of mine administered the syringe to me, and instead of getting the "buzz" that addicts get, I got absolutely nothing. It was just as if I had not had anything at all.
I am also immune to the effects of crack cocaine, as I have never had a "buzz" off that either. I can't help believing that if a group of scientists got hold of me, then they could do something remarkable, and actually invent an instant cure for heavy addiction. This is only what I feel, and of course you are equally allowed to give my claim derision and scorn.
I feel that I have been presented to this world for a reason? i feel that God has plans for good for me <Jeremiah 29-11>, and I believe that those plans are ultimately going to come to fruition. I can't envision anyone on this planet being able to put up an effective enough argument against what I am saying. Oh don't worry, I can hear all of the sceptics giving their totally unseeing and biased opinions now, but it fails to flummox me at all.
What, just what, if I am right about this what I'm saying. What if my body actually contains the answer to drug dependency. Now that would be a real coup for medical science, and I would give my 100% co-operation in getting the much needed results. If I could be used somehow, to bring about the termination of addiction for even one person, then I feel that everything would then be validated, and given due perspective. Just because I don't fit into the category of most peoples perception of normality, doesn't mean that "they" have to be right.
I don't know what I should do with the information that is in my mind, and I'm not particulary bothered. If anyone ever approaches me with some kind of "plan" then I will do my best to get the damn thing done, but like the old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water etc"
Well folks, that's about all for now, but I look forward to your comments.
poster:mark anthony foott