Posted by luther on August 30, 2004, at 2:52:59
In reply to permanent damages by antidepressants ?, posted by francesco on August 29, 2004, at 16:36:06
I believe it is possible. The pharmaceutical business is in the trillions of dollars and they even have the power to dictate government policy and influence presidential elections. They would like for every man, woman and child on the planet to be on an A/D. For some of us there is no other choice. For others there are choices. Some people take Prozac because it causes weight loss and others think it will give them some type of advantage in the workplace as in smarter or more outgoing. Lilly even has the stuff for dogs, yes I'm serious. Like I said though some of us have no other choice after being diagnosed with a disorder. I hate to get into genetics, but it kind of comes down to that. Look at all the near sighted people in the world. Yes, now we have laser correction. If a person that had coke bottle glasses lived a thousand years ago would they have survived to pass on these nearsightedness genes? Probably not. It is sort of the same with psychological disorders. Would it be difficult to survive and pass on the genes for a disorder without some of these medications, unlikely. So every generation there will be more disorders until the magic bullet is found like with laser optical surgery. I'm not being critical of anyone, I have the coke bottle glasses and GAD, SAD and Dysthymia/Atypical Depression. Without Valium and Nardil I would most likely not have my lovely daughter. She could end up with my disorders, but some are more environmental than genetic. I was severely abused by my father which led to GAD, then SAD as a result and dealing with both of these caused my Dysthemia/Atypical Depression, even though I may have had a genetic predisposition to depression/anxiety. Once an A/D is started I really believe we are addicted to them the rest of our lives because the neurotransmitters that are increased will go down below the previous level before the A/D was taken. Sort of like an alcoholic never having a drink can't become one in the first place. The world is constantly evolving at the most rapid pace in the history of our species and some people are more suited to the communication age we now live in. I've done some reading about the hormone CRH and the flight or fight response that we really don't need in our current society, but in the past it may had been a great advantage to have a lot of this hormone. Faced with a Sabre Toothed Tiger your adrenalin would kick in to give extra strength and alertness. Today we need much less of that hormone, but some of us have too much leading to disorders in todays society. I may be way off and the Chemist might have a better answer. Hope I've been of some help.