Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 843694

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Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by Miss Misery on August 2, 2008, at 13:09:40

I have been on Effexor XR 75 mg for over a year. My kid's nurse practioner gave me samples at my request when I heard some other people's experience with the drug. I went to my gyn and he wrote me a prescription with a year refill. I just told him I was on it and he wrote the rx out. I have wanted to get off the drug for a while. I just don't like how it makes me feel if I forget a dose, like I am not in control of myself or what I say. I went a few weeks ago and talked to my gyn about getting off of the drug. He acted like it was no big deal and wrote me a rx for 37.5 and told me to take that for 6 months and then we would talk about getting off of it. He asked my why I was on it in the first place! He didn't even know or really care to know!

My husband and I have been having some problems and I forgot to take my Effexor Tuesday. I decided to stop taking it altogether. I know that you are supposed to wean off of it, but I can't keep up with all of that every other day stuff, so I just decided to stop. The second day I was off of it, I slept until 4 pm. The next day the nausea, vomitting, dizziness, brain shivers or whatever that weird feeling in your head is, and the all around feeling that I wanted to die started. I was like that until Friday. I couldn't even keep Sprite and crackers down or turn my head without feeling like I was going to pass out. Friday was better, but then the crying started. I cried about everything, and I do mean everything! I am crying now because I'm talking about crying! My husband is not very sympathetic. He is offshore right now, which is probably a blessing, but that leaves me here alone with my kids. I can't stand for anyone to ask me what is wrong when I start crying, but then if they don't, I cry because noone cares. My husband called last night and I didn't want to talk to him in the first place and then I hit my foot on a shoe and here the tears came. He kept wanting to know if it really hurt that bad and I screamed at him over the phone. I just sat on the phone and sobbed and he kept saying he was just getting off the phone but wouldn't ever hang up. Then he asked me why I went and bought more bread since he bought some just before he left. That really set me off! I was crying and yelling and telling him I HATED that nasty brown bread he bought, that it STINKS and I WOULD NOT eat it, I NEVER bought that mess. He got irritated and I was upset. I couldn't sleep and stayed up until 1 am writing in a notebook how I am trash that has just been thrown away and I shouldn't have been born and I was ruining everyone's life I come in contact with. I feel guilty for feeling that way, I am a Christian and I know the truth, but nothing helps. My parents hate me for real and do not have anything to do with my family and I really struggle with that. Reading my Bible just seems to make me sad and cry more because I just feel like I'm left out of God's promises to love me. I do not feel lovable. I am the type person who will do anything for anyone, but when I need help, I feel so alone and thrown away. I need someone to talk to, someone who knows what I'm going through. A perfect stranger that might care. Someone please help me!!!


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by kellm on August 4, 2008, at 23:47:25

In reply to Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by Miss Misery on August 2, 2008, at 13:09:40

I'm so sorry for your struggle. I have been off effexor for two and a half weeks and I promise you it gets better. I have also had a horrible time coming off of it (vomiting, migraines, crying constantly). I have felt significantly better in the past couple of days (I haven't even cried in two days!), so hang in there. I promise you will feel better.
Some suggestions: benadryl seems to help a lot of people and dramamine really helped me. Do you have a counselor or psychologist you can talk to? Going through withdrawal was one of the loneliest experiences I have had, so it could help to talk to someone...especially someone objective (not like a husband or parent).
Best of luck to you.


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me! » kellm

Posted by Miss Misery on August 5, 2008, at 22:11:03

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by kellm on August 4, 2008, at 23:47:25

I am much better. I have been off the Effexor for over a week now. I still am having major mood swings and crying jags. I am very tired and don't really feel like doing anything. My temper is VERY short! I don't think doctors realize what they are doing when they put people on this stuff! But at least I don't feel like I'm at deaths's door anymore!


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by kellm on August 5, 2008, at 23:40:54

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me! » kellm, posted by Miss Misery on August 5, 2008, at 22:11:03

Glad you're feeling better. I have found that my temper is much shorter than it used to be as well, but its getting better.
I have been on many antidepressants before and have never experienced anything this horrible when coming off them. If I had known, I would have tried another one first. IMHO, it was irresponsible of your NP and gyn to give them to you- they should have referred you to a psychiatrist.
Hope you continue to feel better- hang in there. I had a pretty bad crying jag today (I thought they were over) but hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by Miss Misery on August 6, 2008, at 21:47:38

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by kellm on August 5, 2008, at 23:40:54

Glad you are feeling better too. I know, we are from the "country" here in rural Louisiana and these doctors just want to get you in and get you out and don't seem to care one way or another. I came in from church and my husband wanted to play "guess who called" and after naming a few people I went off on him. And the kids, oh my goodness, I can be perfectly calm telling them to do something and they take a second longer than I think they should and I go ballistic! I have a friend that gradually got off of Effexor just a month or so ago, and her husband told her they need to let someone take care of their kids for a while because she's so cranky! Of course she's not, but I understand them feeling like that. I haven't cried today, just wanted to. But things are looking up, I have a interview for a great job tomorrow and I'm hoping I'll get it and that will boost my spirts alot and make me feel better about myself, esp. since it's almost time for school to start and I will be here alone alot. Thanks for listening!


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by karinamarie on September 11, 2008, at 20:53:32

In reply to Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by Miss Misery on August 2, 2008, at 13:09:40

Hi Sweet Thing

First let me say don't ever, ever give up no matter how awful things are for you at the moment. It will get better it really will! It took me about 10 days and then some as I wrote in another post last night. It was and I am in no way exagerating like a living hell. I did it way too fast and paid the price for not taking it slow. My withdrawl symptoms during the 10 days were: hot/cold sweats, strange/bizzare dreams, nightmares, unable to sleep or wakeful, visual disturbances/blurred vision/light sensitive, low blood pressure, very sick on tummy, no concentration, anxiety, restless, vertigo 24 hour, electrical impulses/popping/exploding sensation in my head, dry mouth, sore muscles, disturbance to my girl cycle and so on...... I was bedridden for most of that time. I can't tell you how to do it right because I did it wrong. I can tell you that you need to take it very slow and cut down little by little over months. I am sure others on this site will have a better idea of how to cut down and avoid the situation I put myself in. It might be a good idea to find a Doctor who is going to look after you properly! You don't have to struggle alone! Good luck sweetheart!


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by Miss Misery on September 11, 2008, at 21:26:51

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by karinamarie on September 11, 2008, at 20:53:32

> Hi Sweet Thing
> First let me say don't ever, ever give up no matter how awful things are for you at the moment. It will get better it really will! It took me about 10 days and then some as I wrote in another post last night. It was and I am in no way exagerating like a living hell. I did it way too fast and paid the price for not taking it slow. My withdrawl symptoms during the 10 days were: hot/cold sweats, strange/bizzare dreams, nightmares, unable to sleep or wakeful, visual disturbances/blurred vision/light sensitive, low blood pressure, very sick on tummy, no concentration, anxiety, restless, vertigo 24 hour, electrical impulses/popping/exploding sensation in my head, dry mouth, sore muscles, disturbance to my girl cycle and so on...... I was bedridden for most of that time. I can't tell you how to do it right because I did it wrong. I can tell you that you need to take it very slow and cut down little by little over months. I am sure others on this site will have a better idea of how to cut down and avoid the situation I put myself in. It might be a good idea to find a Doctor who is going to look after you properly! You don't have to struggle alone! Good luck sweetheart!

Thanks for responding! I am pretty much over the withdrawal symtoms now. My temper is still pretty short and I have this weird thing that happens that I haven't noticed anyone else mention. My lips get numb almost like when you go to the dentist. It is very annoying! But overall, I feel much better. I just got a great job, the first since my kids were born (14 years ago!) and things are looking up. So I feel much better (if only my husband would go back offshore since the hurricane evacuation of the gulf, things would be perfect!!!) and I am so glad that that hell is over! I hope that noone else has to go through what we have been through. Thanks for the encouragement!


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by karinamarie on September 12, 2008, at 20:32:59

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by Miss Misery on September 11, 2008, at 21:26:51

> > Hi Sweet Thing
> >
> > First let me say don't ever, ever give up no matter how awful things are for you at the moment. It will get better it really will! It took me about 10 days and then some as I wrote in another post last night. It was and I am in no way exagerating like a living hell. I did it way too fast and paid the price for not taking it slow. My withdrawl symptoms during the 10 days were: hot/cold sweats, strange/bizzare dreams, nightmares, unable to sleep or wakeful, visual disturbances/blurred vision/light sensitive, low blood pressure, very sick on tummy, no concentration, anxiety, restless, vertigo 24 hour, electrical impulses/popping/exploding sensation in my head, dry mouth, sore muscles, disturbance to my girl cycle and so on...... I was bedridden for most of that time. I can't tell you how to do it right because I did it wrong. I can tell you that you need to take it very slow and cut down little by little over months. I am sure others on this site will have a better idea of how to cut down and avoid the situation I put myself in. It might be a good idea to find a Doctor who is going to look after you properly! You don't have to struggle alone! Good luck sweetheart!
> Thanks for responding! I am pretty much over the withdrawal symtoms now. My temper is still pretty short and I have this weird thing that happens that I haven't noticed anyone else mention. My lips get numb almost like when you go to the dentist. It is very annoying! But overall, I feel much better. I just got a great job, the first since my kids were born (14 years ago!) and things are looking up. So I feel much better (if only my husband would go back offshore since the hurricane evacuation of the gulf, things would be perfect!!!) and I am so glad that that hell is over! I hope that noone else has to go through what we have been through. Thanks for the encouragement!
Hi there

No worries. I am soooo glad that you are feeling so much better and that your life is on track. It is sad but many people are going through Efexor detox and suffering while they do it. I would never have started taking the drug if I had known the outcome. It is awful when I read posts and read that people are in so much pain. I had a numb thing going on in my face when coming off Efexor now that I think of it. Sort of like pins and needles type feeling but it did go away. I still have some of the symptoms I had during detox hanging around that are affecting me but I have realised that other folk are having the same problems after detox. I am very cranky which is not part of my nature, poor husband has been edging around me for weeks. I felt better after reading other posts and realising I am not the only frog on the planet feeling awful. I guess it just takes time..... I just keep hanging on to that positive light I know is out there waiting to burst into my life again!


Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!

Posted by Miss Misery on September 12, 2008, at 21:16:01

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal is killing me!, posted by karinamarie on September 12, 2008, at 20:32:59

My new job is working with an autistic child in kindergarten, but I also work with the whole class as an aide to the teacher. By the end of the day, after endless "Miss Amys", tied shoelaces, saying "please use your whisper voices", and sit down and STOP touching each other, I don't know if it is my nerves or just sheer exhaustion. Then coming home, cooking and dealing with three more kids (14, 9, 4) I'm beginning to wonder if I need SOMETHING. But that is what I thought when I started the Effexor. I would NEVER take it again, but I am really cranky when I get home. I don't know if it is just that I have to be nice at school, and when I get home, I can let my frustration out, or that I need help! I start my day at 5:20 with my Bible study and prayer journal, but by 3:30, I'm not a very nice person! And starting next week I'll be doing some extra work at school until 5:00 for the next six weeks. I feel so guilty when I get home and I'm so horrible. I also know that my husband and kids could do things to help and the kids could act alot better (I've subbed my own kids at school, they CAN behave!!!)so why should I medicate myself to be able to deal with them? I've waited 14 years to start working, because I wanted to stay home with my kids and not send them to a babysitter, so I feel like I deserve to be able to go to work and have some money of my own. I'm on the verge of going to the doctor, but they are just so quick to put you on something,so I don't know what to do. I am really stressed with trying to figure out how to deal with all of these changes and new responsibilities all at one time, but I don't want to get too deep and get depressed and think that I can't do my job. Any advice?

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