Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 533589

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mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell

Posted by pinkfiona on July 26, 2005, at 0:06:37

Hi there evryone i've been reading your posts with interest, i too am trying to come off a 15mg dose of IT and i was initially told to take one every other day which literally sent me mad. I had suicidal thoughts, self harm thoughts, disorientation, sweats, dizziness, no concentration and I had to take 2 days off work with a sore throat and fever after i tried halving the dose by cutting the pills. I have just gone down to a quarter of a pill (3.75mg) and I have been ill now for 4 days with sore throat and fever, pains in the muscles and fatigue. I am off sick now and I have a trial day at a new workplace on Thursday. i have no idea how I am going to cope with this, does anyone suggest going back up to half a pill? as it may relieve my symptoms while I try to get this job. its very important i get this job. thanks for reading this! your comments will be appreciated. I live in UK so I could get the liquid form i guess. nothing could taste worse than the zispin soltabs anyway ;)


Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell » pinkfiona

Posted by ed_uk on July 26, 2005, at 0:06:37

In reply to mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by pinkfiona on July 25, 2005, at 13:48:11


Perhaps you could dissolve a Zispin SolTab in a glass of water and then take a few sips whenever you feel the withdrawal symptoms coming on. You'd probably find that you needed a few less sips every few days/weeks.

Check out the withdrawal board and read about SLS's flexible taper method for discontinuing antidepressants.



Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell

Posted by Questionmark on July 26, 2005, at 0:06:37

In reply to mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by pinkfiona on July 25, 2005, at 13:48:11

It sounds like you should go to half a pill as soon as you can for your new job, then eventually taper off very slowly.

Ed_uk's advice sounds pretty good.

Good luck!


Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell

Posted by JackD on July 26, 2005, at 0:06:38

In reply to mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by pinkfiona on July 25, 2005, at 13:48:11

Ouch, mirtazapine withdrawal SUCKS. For me, I see it two ways... A. Ween yourself slowly off it, letting the insomnia and nausea/etc reak havoc for a while. or B. Pick a weekend, or maybe a 3-4 day span you have free, and stop cold turkey. Or a combination :) But basically from my experience, the withdrawal from Remeron, although nasty as hell, is very shortlived. Good luck!

Also, you're on such a low dose already don't turn back, just keep goin!


Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell

Posted by lushkins on July 26, 2005, at 13:01:56

In reply to Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by JackD on July 26, 2005, at 0:05:29


I also live in the UK and withdrawing from zispen, at least I hope I am. I am more depressed than before trying to get off this drug which only helped slightly and made other symptoms worse. I hope this is just a rebound depression that will fade away like the rebound insomnia does. The thing is I feel great for about five days after decreasing a dose, totally full of beans, cycling many miles in the week something I do not do often, and feeling really motivated despite a total lack of sleep (0-4hrs a night) I felt great!! But then the depression and anxiety creeps back in. I have been decreasing for a while in small increments and eventually the depression did fade with each decrease usually after 2 weeks to a more managable level. However I just decreased from 15mg to nothing and its been 2 weeks and mood wise I feel pretty awful, sort off back too square one.

I have not had any of the other symptoms you have apart from the sick feeling but that could just be the anxiety.

My Pdoc said that zispen had no withdrawl symptoms, but said that my body may take time to adjust, if it does at all, lets hope so!!!

Anyway hope you feel better soon.



Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell

Posted by crazychickuk on July 28, 2005, at 23:28:38

In reply to Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by lushkins on July 26, 2005, at 13:01:56

o gawd!!

i feel for you i really do, i stopped it cold turkey when they changed to the soltab version last yr (after being on it for 2 yrs)

god ive had some bad depression from it!!

good luck and get on smething else if you can !!


Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell » Questionmark

Posted by pinkfiona on August 24, 2005, at 1:51:51

In reply to Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by Questionmark on July 25, 2005, at 19:31:16

Thanks for your advice! I didn't get the new job as i was in such strange mood on my trial day. I discovered that i'm not really ready to to go back into a jewellery workshop yet. I have come off it now and i feel tons better on Prozac. i overlapped the treatment slightly which left me very weird for a week! I feel lots better now, ready to get into the real work of recovery. F


Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell » lushkins

Posted by pinkfiona on August 24, 2005, at 1:59:11

In reply to Re: mirazapine (remeron) withdrawal hell, posted by lushkins on July 26, 2005, at 13:01:56

Hello! I've now managed to come off it but had disastrous return of my symptoms to start with. I have had patchy support from the hospital. Its worth asking for a second opinion and trying some different drugs to find which suits you. I'm now on Prozac and feeling like myself for the first time in 8 months. I have experienced prozac withdrawal in the past and it was nothing at all as hard as mirtazapine. For me, mirtazapine helped a lot but made me too sleepy. Fearing for my job I asked for different meds but was told to come off it. My main turning point was when I was referred to the consultant instead of the other guy at hospital, he actually listened to me. Try to get an appointment with someone good. It takes months but its worth the wait. Now I'm beginning to stabilize I can concentrate on the real job of healing myself, and then come off the drugs when i am ready. Good luck!

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